Olive Fertility


Background: With couples delaying parenthood into their 30’s and 40’s, fertility treatments are increasingly the pathway to pregnancy.

Olive Fertility is a leading clinic in Vancouver, headed by accomplished medical professionals such as Dr. Al Yuzpe who has pioneered innovative techniques in the fertility field.
Aside from traditional marketing outreach through media outlets, the clinic hosts public seminars for couples seeking to learn more about fertility options.

Physicians at the clinic are regularly asked to contribute editorial content for distribution across leading North American media outlets such as The Globe & Mail to community level weeklies and blogs.

Our Work: Sunflower Media has provided ongoing media placement recommendations in the local multicultural markets, advising on large cross-section of immigrant communities. This work has included copy-editing, translation, and even editorial placement in multicultural press.

In addition to brick and mortar media coverage and campaigns, our digital team has provided Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) services which have propelled www.olivefertility.com to the top position of Google Search for a number of critical keywords.