BC Chicken Marketing Board

Background: BC Chicken Marketing was the first poultry board created in Canada, its mandate being to monitor and regulate the production and marketing of chicken in British Columbia.
In recent years this role has grown in complexity with the introduction of the quota system for production and also given the increasingly global nature of trade.

The Work: Our multicultural marketing team has provided its ethnic advertising expertise to the BC Chicken Marketing Board on multiple campaigns. These have ranged from marketing locally grown Asian specialty chicken such as Silkie and free-run Taiwanese, to the region’s large Chinese community (nearly 1 million in population).
This campaign included execution and artwork creation for a wide range of mediums: TV, digital, print, billboard/ outdoor, and radio.
Aside from managing this expansive campaign, we also organised and developed original content for this client – these pieces ranged from web videos to photography to artwork for the various mediums listed above.