Engineers Canada


Background: Canada has a shortage of skilled workers. Yet the country has tens of thousands of immigrants with professional training working as over-qualified cab drivers, security guards, and fast food workers.

Engineers Canada is the national organization that regulates the engineering profession and licenses the country’s 280,000 members of the engineering profession.

The organisation administers a unique program to allow under-utilised professionals to attain engineering accreditation through a series of examinations.

This program corrects labour misallocation, adding tens of millions of dollars of value back into the national economy.Our Work: We recommended and executed a national campaign across multiple immigrant communities to raise awareness of these exams.

The target was Canadian immigrants with engineering degrees and experience who were unable to attain recognition of their foreign credentials.

The campaign entailed translation, copy-editing, editorial coverage, and graphic design. By working with in-language multicultural media, the campaign messaging also carried to overseas residents working as engineers who are considering emigration to Canada.
The ad campaign was doubled with editorial coverage across print and digital platforms.